After read Barthelme I still not-khowing about poems

hey u
let me write about us
I need of your allowance
Let me tell for all
that I'm everything of lost
Did you know about my great fear?
To lose me
since my childhood
therefore I learnt to walk
But when I began then I started to dream
I found a maze
and I took the meander
To jump outside of bad weather
finally when later I runned
I arrived at a new black hole
and I drowned into a different space and time
in this cosmos
we were free
and our minds finally could communicate with
an other
hey u
Now 1:09am
I'm here sitting in front of my notebook
trying to do my work
of reality and fiction
wishing one day it could not be separate and yes
both happening in the same time together
Before that now I assimilated
I can't scape of my real destiny
that it is to build up our world
a better world than the past
to live the truth happiness.
